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Laboratory Evaluation of Infertility

Editor: George Taliadouros Updated: 8/17/2024 12:14:14 AM


Infertility is defined as the failure to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse if the female is younger than 35 or after 6 months if the female is older than 35. Infertility affects up to 15% of couples.[1] Fecundity begins to decrease around 32 and rapidly declines after 37 in all women. This age-related decline in functional ovarian reserve is associated with an increased rate of infertility and spontaneous abortion, likely due to an increased risk of chromosomal nondisjunction in this older population.[2] For women older than 40, an infertility workup can be considered sooner.[2] An infertility evaluation is also indicated in patients with the following conditions—irregular menses, male infertility, advanced stage endometriosis, Müllerian anomalies, and other genital tract diseases, such as a history of pelvic inflammatory disease.[1] In addition, fertility preservation options, including embryo and oocyte cryopreservation for females and sperm cryopreservation for males, should be discussed with all cancer patients.[3]

A female's oocyte pool is highest at the fetal stage, with an average number of 600,000 oocytes in a woman's ovaries at birth. This number decreases over time.[4] A woman's age reflects the oocyte quality and quantity and is among the most critical factors in predicting the outcome and prognosis of assisted reproductive treatments.[5] The oocyte maturity index can be used to measure oocyte quality and perhaps predict pregnancy outcomes based on morphological and physiological properties.[6]

Etiology and Epidemiology

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Etiology and Epidemiology

Infertility is highly prevalent worldwide, particularly in developed nations, often due to delays in childbearing. With the advent of assisted reproductive treatments, millions of couples have been able to conceive.[7] The first successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) baby was born in 1978. With the improved success of IVF, pregnancy rates have surpassed 50% per embryo transfer.[8] Infertility causes are categorized into 4 categories—female factor, male factor, combined factor, and unexplained.[1] The first 3 categories are roughly equal in their prevalence (2%-30%), with the remaining 10% to 20% unexplained.[9] 

Female factors contributing to infertility can be further categorized into anatomical factors, such as cervical, uterine, or tubal, and functional etiologies, such as ovarian, pituitary, or hypothalamic dysfunction. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) accounts for roughly 70% of ovulatory dysfunction.[10] 

Older age is associated with longer times to conception and a higher risk of chromosomal abnormalities and birth defects.[11] Although evidence regarding the impact of specific environmental toxins is mixed, substances such as tobacco smoke, alcohol, and other toxic agents have been shown to impair fertility.[12] 


The key to evaluating infertility is identifying the underlying cause. This process begins with a detailed history and a thorough physical examination to assess for signs and symptoms of hypothalamic, pituitary/thyroid, uterine, tubal, and ovulatory dysfunction. Important symptoms to inquire about include galactorrhea, menstrual history and regularity, acne, hirsutism, history of sexually transmitted infections, and lifestyle habits. The assessment should include body mass index, blood pressure measurements, and breast, abdominal, and pelvic examinations. The baseline evaluation also includes a pelvic ultrasound to assess the structure and morphology of the uterus, cervix, and ovaries.[1] The infertility workup includes both anatomical and functional considerations, but this discussion is limited to the functional workup of the infertile female.

Functional Ovarian Reserve

A woman's age is the most significant factor in evaluating her fertility.[2] Oocyte quantity, or functional ovarian reserve (FOR), can be accurately measured using anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) or basal follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels drawn during menses. AMH is produced and secreted by the granulosa cells of primary, secondary, preantral, and early antral follicles.[13]  However, AMH does not reflect the quality of the oocytes. Oocyte quality is only assessed morphologically by embryologists once extracted from the ovary.[14] AMH levels do not predict outcomes of assisted reproductive treatments, such as pregnancy and live birth rates; they are only used as markers of the ovary's response to stimulation. Women with higher levels of AMH (>1 ng/mL) generally respond better to gonadotropin stimulation.[15] However, many women with low levels of AMH are still able to conceive spontaneously. Therefore, AMH levels alone should not be used as a prognostic biomarker.[16] AMH is stable throughout the menstrual cycle and is inversely related to age. However, it can be suppressed by exogenous hormones, such as hormonal contraceptives.[13]

FSH is measured on menstrual cycle days 2 through 5 to accurately assess pituitary function, as it is under negative feedback control by estrogen. As the oocyte pool decreases with age, estradiol production by granulosa cells decreases, and FSH becomes disinhibited and begins to rise. Therefore, FSH is commonly and accurately used as a marker of functional ovarian reserve.[1]

Antral follicle count (AFC), the number of visible follicles on ultrasound in both ovaries, is another marker of functional ovarian reserve. AFC at baseline can be used to predict the ovary's response to the stimulation cycle. However, AFC fluctuates with every menstrual cycle and is less accurate compared to AMH or FSH.[1][17]

Ovulatory Function

Ovulation occurs when a dominant (Graafian) follicle is released from the ovary. This critical physiological process precedes fertilization and requires a hormonal feedback system to maintain homeostasis.

Pulsatile secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete FSH and luteinizing hormone. FSH promotes the growth of ovarian follicles, and luteinizing hormone works in tandem to produce the androgens and facilitate the 2-cell, 2-gonadotropin theory.[18][19] This oversimplified theory proposes that FSH receptors are exclusively on granulosa cells, whereas luteinizing hormone receptors are expressed primarily by theca cells of the ovary. Luteinizing hormone induces the synthesis of androgens, and FSH stimulates aromatase enzyme activity, which converts androgens, such as androstenedione and testosterone, into estrogens.

Specimen Requirements and Procedure


Serum is the most appropriate type of specimen for determining luteinizing hormone, FSH, testosterone, AMH, estradiol, and progesterone.[20] Hand hygiene is an important first step in drawing the specimen to reduce contamination, followed by skin disinfection using alcoholic, chlorhexidine, or povidone-iodine solutions.[21]

The phlebotomist can palpate the vessels in the cubital fossa to determine the vessel for venipuncture. These vessels include the cephalic, basilica, median cubital, and median antebrachial veins. A tourniquet can help create a moderate pressure (60 mm Hg) for less than 60 seconds to help dilate the vein. A transilluminating device can help illuminate the vessels through infrared light. Alternatively, the dorsal surface of the hand can be used, although this is more painful, and vessels have more of an ability to roll as the needle is inserted.[21]

Two different needles can be used for venipuncture—a straight needle or a butterfly needle. The butterfly needle's wings can help guide the insertion, and adhesive tape can be applied to the skin to hold the needle in place. The needle should be placed at less than 30°.

Blood can be collected using either a piston syringe or an evacuated tube apparatus. The evacuated tube apparatus allows the user to collect blood into a tube with additives included using a color-coded guide. This method is safer as it uses a closed system. For anxious patients, muscle tension can act as a distraction and increase blood pressure. Local anesthetics, such as topical lidocaine or prilocaine, can be used to minimize discomfort.

Complications from venipuncture are very rare (<3%) and include brachial artery puncture, superficial phlebitis, aneurism formation, localized cellulitis, prolonged bleeding from the puncture site, bruising, and hematoma formation.[21]

Semen Analysis

For a semen analysis, men should abstain from ejaculation for 3 to 7 days before providing a sample. The sample is collected by masturbation into a sterile cup and should be examined within 1 hour.[22] The bladder should be emptied before ejaculation. A minimum of 2 separate samples, collected at least 3 days apart, should be examined.[23] More extended periods of abstinence typically result in a higher semen volume but reduced sperm motility.[22]

Diagnostic Tests

Outdated evaluations, such as basal body temperatures and postcoital cervical aspirations, have been replaced by laboratory and imaging tests.[24] The laboratory and radiologic evaluation assesses 5 essential components— pituitary, ovary (ovulatory function), fallopian tube, uterus, and semen. Laboratory testing focuses on 3 of these components—pituitary and ovarian function, semen analysis, and genetic screening.

Ovulatory Function

Assessment of ovulatory function is part of the evaluation for infertility. Women with regular menstrual cycles with <3 days of variation in cycle length, and cycles between 25 and 35 days are typically ovulatory. However, in women outside of that range, ovulation likely does not occur. The most common method of assessing ovulation is through a serum progesterone level in the luteal phase, such as after cycle day 18. If the progesterone is >3 ng/mL, ovulation has likely occurred.[1][10]

Another method is to assess the luteinizing hormone surge by checking serum luteinizing hormone levels and detecting a spike or using ovulation predictor kits and detecting a positive result after a negative one.[25] Importantly, some patients with PCOS may have elevated basal levels of luteinizing hormone and, therefore, may have false-positive results at baseline.[26] Measuring basal body temperature every morning and detecting at least a 0.5° rise is another method, although this has mostly fallen out of favor, given poor reliability.[25] 

The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) recently created a new classification system for ovulatory disorders, known as HyPO-P, which replaced the World Health Organization (WHO) Classification system of 1973. This HyPO-P classification system categorizes ovulatory disorders into 4 types. Type I includes genetic, autoimmune, iatrogenic, and neoplastic conditions relating to the hypothalamus. Type II includes functional, infectious/inflammatory, trauma, and vascular conditions relating to the pituitary. Type III includes physiological, idiopathic, and endocrine conditions relating to the ovary. Type IV includes PCOS.[27]

Ovarian Reserve

Oocyte quantity can be assessed through serum AMH or FSH levels or through AFC on ultrasound.[1] In contrast, oocyte quality can only be evaluated in the laboratory under a microscope after ovarian stimulation and oocyte retrieval.[28] The best predictor of oocyte quality is a woman's age, as the quality of oocytes diminishes with age.[5] AMH can be measured at any point in the menstrual cycle. An AMH level of <1 ng/mL typically indicates diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), although the definition of DOR can vary and often includes the ovarian response from prior stimulation cycles.[1] AMH levels have less variation between cycles and within cycles compared to AFC and FSH.[29] An AMH level <0.5 ng/mL is predictive of a poor ovarian response in IVF, resulting in fewer than 3 oocytes, whereas an AMH level >3.5 ng/mL predicts a robust response, also increasing the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).[30]

Pituitary Function

FSH is considered the most specific test for functional ovarian reserve.[13] A coinciding estradiol level is necessary to ensure an elevated estradiol does not falsely lower the FSH. FSH consistently >10 IU/L reflects DOR. An elevated FSH level is associated with a poorer response to ovarian stimulation.[1] A consistent premature elevated estradiol (>80 pg/mL) also suggests DOR due to the premature recruitment of follicles.[30] Therefore, if FSH or estradiol levels are high, they should be re-evaluated to confirm the findings.

Endocrine Dysfunction

Comorbid endocrinological disorders are often diagnosed in couples with infertility. Thus, further evaluation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis may be warranted in addition to assessing other endocrine disorders, such as diabetes. A HbA1c level may be warranted.

Hypothyroidism may lead to ovulatory dysfunction. In addition, a TSH level >4 mIU/mL has been associated with increased miscarriage rates and, therefore, should be treated with levothyroxine, even with a normal free thyroxine level.[31] Hyperthyroidism affects both pituitary and testicular function, with alterations in the secretion of releasing hormones and increased conversion of androgens to estrogens. 

For women with PCOS, an evaluation should include an androgen panel, which consists of testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, and free testosterone.[32] The most common type of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 21-hydroxylase deficiency, leads to decreased production of aldosterone and electrolyte abnormalities. If Cushing syndrome is suspected, diagnostic tests such as a 24-hour urine cortisol measurement, dexamethasone suppression test, and salivary cortisol assessment may be performed.[33] 

Routine testing for prolactin levels is not recommended unless clinically indicated, such as in females with oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, or galactorrhea.[34] Hyperprolactinemia is a cause of secondary testicular dysfunction.[35] Prolactin excess likely causes hypogonadism by impairing gonadotropin-releasing hormone release.[36] If hyperprolactinemia is detected, it is crucial to check for hypothyroidism because elevated thyrotropin-releasing hormone concentrations can result in hyperprolactinemia.[37]

Patients with borderline or suppressed testosterone concentrations can be evaluated with a human chorionic gonadotropin stimulation test.[38] With this test, an injection of 5000 IU human chorionic gonadotropin is administered intramuscularly after collecting a basal, early morning testosterone sample. Another blood sample is drawn 72 hours after the human chorionic gonadotropin injection to measure stimulated testosterone levels. Hypogonadal men show a depressed rise in testosterone concentration in response to this challenge. Doubling of testosterone concentration over baseline is consistent with normal Leydig cell function. Failure to increase testosterone to >150 ng/dL (5 nmol/L) indicates primary hypogonadism.[39]

Semen Analysis

Two separate semen analyses are routinely conducted to evaluate for male factor infertility. Each analysis includes semen volume, pH, sperm concentration, total sperm count, motility, progressive motility, sperm agglutination, and sperm morphology.[1][23] If azoospermia, the absence of sperm, is detected, further evaluation to differentiate an obstructive versus nonobstructive etiology is indicated. This assessment includes a postejaculate urine evaluation for sperm, which is necessary to rule out retrograde ejaculation.[40] 

Kartagener syndrome, which includes situs inversus and bronchiectasis, should be ruled out.[41] If a patient has obstructive azoospermia, the carrier status for cystic fibrosis must also be ruled out. In most of these cases, urologists are still able to extract sperm from the seminiferous tubules through testicular sperm extraction or testicular sperm aspiration.

If nonobstructive azoospermia is diagnosed, primary testicular failure must be evaluated by FSH, luteinizing hormone, and testosterone levels.[40] A prolactin level is recommended if low testosterone levels are identified. A testicular biopsy may be needed for a definitive diagnosis and to attempt sperm extraction if other methods are unsuccessful.[42] Exogenous testosterone administration inhibits FSH and luteinizing hormone due to negative feedback on the HPO axis, leading to oligozoospermia or azoospermia.[43] If a varicocele is suspected, an ultrasound should confirm the diagnosis, as it can be a contributing factor to infertility.[44] Please see StatPearls' companion resources, "Semen Analysis" and "Male Infertility," for more information.[23][42]

Genetic Screening

Genetic screening may be recommended to investigate the underlying causes of infertility or for preconception counseling. In couples with infertility, an expanded carrier screen is often sent to assess the female for any autosomal recessive mutations. If testing is positive, the male partner or sperm donor should be tested. If both partners are carriers for the same mutation, then counseling regarding preimplantation genetic testing for mutations of embryos versus chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis during the pregnancy should be discussed. Some genetic disorders that contribute to infertility include cystic fibrosis, Turner syndrome, Kallmann syndrome, chromosomal aberrations, Kartagener syndrome, and Y-chromosome microdeletion.[45]

The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) recommends against routinely karyotyping an infertile couple; however, it is warranted in couples with recurrent pregnancy loss. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends a limited carrier screening for cystic fibrosis, hemoglobinopathies, spinal muscular atrophy, and Fragile X if clinically indicated. In women with irregular menstrual cycles, especially with a family history suggestive of ovarian insufficiency or intellectual disability, Fragile X screening is also indicated to rule out premature ovarian insufficiency.[46]

An expanded genetic carrier screening should be offered to ethnicities that have a higher prevalence of certain conditions, such as the Ashkenazi Jewish population.[46]

This article is limited to laboratory testing; however, further evaluation with radiographic imaging may be warranted. Hysterosonogram or hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography may be indicated to assess tubal and uterine abnormalities.[1][47]

Testing Procedures

Immunoassays are commonly used in clinical laboratories to measure fertility hormone levels.[48] This technique uses antibodies to detect target antigens or antigens to detect specific antibodies within specimens. The reasonably specific binding of antibodies to their targets makes immunoassays effective methods for detecting analytes in complex biological matrices. Various types of immunoassays are used clinically, differing in design, detection mechanism, and how assay reagents are combined with the sample.[49]

Heterogeneous immunoassays require separating the analyte-antibody complex from the remaining sample before final analysis. This process can be accomplished using precipitating chemicals, cross-linking with other antibodies, or an antibody bound to a solid phase. Once the remaining matrix components are washed away, the remaining assay components are added for final detection. Homogenous assays can distinguish between the free and antibody-bound analytes and do not require physical separation of an analyte-antibody complex from the remaining sample.[50]

Immunoassays also vary based on the reaction method used. Competitive immunoassays restrict the number of antigen-binding sites, resulting in a competition for antibody binding between the endogenous analyte and a detectable, labeled analog. As a result, the amount of labeled analog bound is inversely proportional to the amount of analyte in the sample. As the amount of analyte in the sample increases, the detectable signal decreases.[51]

Noncompetitive immunoassays are designed to have excess antibody-binding sites and produce a signal directly proportional to the amount of analyte in the sample.[52] In sandwich immunoassays, 2 separate antibodies are used. A capture antibody is bound to a solid support and is used to extract the analyte of interest from the sample. A second antibody is labeled to allow detection and binds to a separate site on the analyte, resulting in an antibody sandwich, with the analyte positioned in the middle of the 2 antibodies. As the amount of analyte in the sample increases, the detectable signal increases.[53]

Automated testosterone and estradiol immunoassays are acceptable for use in healthy adult men and women, respectively, but most lack sufficient accuracy and precision for use in children and adults with low steroid hormone concentrations.[54] The Endocrine Society recommends using a highly sensitive method such as a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry method whenever low testosterone concentrations are suspected.[55] Mass spectrometry-based methods offer improved accuracy and a lower detection limit but require highly trained personnel and increased equipment costs.[56] Free testosterone is most accurately measured by equilibrium dialysis or ultrafiltration in a reference laboratory.[57]

Interfering Factors

Immunoassays are widely used in clinical laboratories due to their high specificity and sensitivity. However, interferences can affect them, leading to inaccurate results. The type of immunoassay (competitive versus sandwich) and the specific mechanisms of interference can cause results to be falsely increased or decreased.[58] 

Heterophilic antibodies pose a significant interference risk in immunoassays for fertility profile hormone determinations, potentially resulting in both false-positive and false-negative results.[59] Due to their multi-specificity, these antibodies can bind to different components of an immunoassay. Such interference can include the antigen or the analyte of interest, such as the endogenous analytes from the patients or even the labeled analyte from the assay reagent. They can also bind to antibodies in the immunoassay, such as the capture or the signal antibodies, and other components of an immunoassay, including the conjugate and other parts of a detection system.[60]

Blocking reagents can help neutralize or inhibit interference from heterophile antibodies, which typically exhibit weak nonspecific binding. The method involves testing the same sample twice—once with the blocking agent and once without—and then comparing the results. A significant difference, such as 50%, between the 2 results suggests the presence of heterophile antibodies.[59]

The assay must be validated to ensure compatibility with the blocking reagent and that the blocking reagent does not interfere with the assay itself. With a sample from a healthy individual without heterophile antibodies, the results should be the same with or without blocking reagents. Although blocking reagent studies are commonly used to demonstrate the presence of heterophile antibodies, they are not always effective.[58] Blocking reagents may be ineffective in approximately 20% to 30% of cases due to the diversity of heterophile antibodies; therefore, retesting samples with an alternative platform may be useful.[61]

Regardless of their type, most testosterone immunoassays show a certain level of cross-reactivity with dihydrotestosterone, another androgen hormone.[62]           

Results, Reporting, and Critical Findings

All laboratories undergo certification and inspection through the laboratory accreditation program offered by the College of American Pathologists to ensure reproducible and accurate results. This accreditation program includes a rigorous inspection including 18 checklists.[63] Laboratory findings must be accurately sent from the laboratory to the patient with the correct name, address, and phone number of the office and lab, name of the physician and contact information, patient identifier, date and time of sample collection, and test report. A protocol should be in place for the prompt reporting of critical results.[64] Clinicians must use their clinical judgment when interpreting laboratory results; if a result does not align with the clinical picture, repeating the test is important.

Clinical Significance

Once infertility is diagnosed, treatment options can be discussed. Ovulation induction is a first-line treatment. Clomiphene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, or letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, can be used for ovulation induction, typically administered for 5 days in the early follicular phase.[65] Clomiphene or letrozole can be used in conjunction with timed intercourse or intrauterine insemination. After 3 cycles without success, gonadotropin stimulation in conjunction with IVF is advised.[10] 

Clomiphene inhibits the negative feedback of estrogen, which increases gonadotropin-releasing hormone and, subsequently, FSH and luteinizing hormone, which stimulate follicular growth and development. Letrozole inhibits aromatase, which converts testosterone to estradiol in the periphery (adipose tissue), thereby decreasing circulating estradiol levels and stimulating FSH by removing the inhibition in the hypothalamus and pituitary.[10]

IVF is the last resort for couples who have not conceived with ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with gonadotropin injections while monitoring the growth of follicles and estradiol levels over 2 weeks is followed by transvaginal oocyte retrieval under ultrasound guidance. The oocytes can then be cryopreserved or fertilized with sperm, with or without intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Embryos can then be transferred into the uterus for a fresh cycle or cryopreserved for future use. If the embryos are going to be cryopreserved, patients can perform preimplantation genetic testing of blastocysts (day 5 embryos) to evaluate for single-gene mutations or to confirm a normal chromosomal complement of the embryo.[10] See StatPearls' companion resource, "Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Techniques," for more information.[66]

A rare but significant complication of ovarian stimulation is OHSS. Closely monitoring the patient throughout her cycle, understanding which patients are at increased risk, and reviewing protocols to minimize this syndrome are essential.[67]

See StatPearls' companion resources,  "Male Infertility" and "Female Infertility," for more information.[68][42]

Quality Control and Lab Safety

Quality control and quality assurance protocols are crucial for ensuring laboratories operate correctly. Quality control within the analytical examination process involves monitoring measurement procedures to ensure they meet performance specifications or to correct any errors.[69] Quality control includes both internal and external components.[70]

Internal quality control (IQC) typically involves testing commercially purchased materials and comparing the results to known values. If the IQC result is within acceptable limits of the known value. The measurement procedure is verified as stable, indicating it is performing as expected, and patient sample results can be reported with confidence that they are suitable for clinical use. If an IQC result falls outside acceptable limits, the measurement procedure is not performing correctly, patient sample results are not reported, and corrective action is necessary. After corrective action, patient sample measurements are repeated along with quality control samples.[71] Good laboratory practice requires verifying that a method performs correctly when measuring patient results.[72]

Written standard operating procedures (SOPs) are required for all aspects of laboratory operations, including quality control.[71] The SOP for quality control should cover all aspects of the program, such as selecting quality control materials, determining statistical parameters to describe method performance, setting criteria for quality control result acceptability, the frequency of quality control measurements, corrective actions for identified problems, and documentation and review processes. The SOP should specify who is authorized to establish acceptable control limits and interpretive rules for releasing results; who should review performance parameters, including statistical quality control results; and who can approve exceptions to or modify an established quality control policy or procedure.[73]

External quality assessment is a system designed to objectively evaluate the performance of a laboratory through an external agency or facility.[74] The external agency or facility provides unknown samples to the laboratory, representing the laboratory's tests. The laboratory analyzes the samples using their standard methods and instruments. The results from these external quality assessments or proficiency testing samples are compared with results from other laboratories to ensure that the laboratory's measurement procedures meet expected performance standards.[75]

Every clinical laboratory must establish and execute a comprehensive formal safety program.[76] The responsibility for the entire safety program typically starts with laboratory leadership, including directors, administrative directors, supervisors, and managers. Regardless of the laboratory's size, a designated individual should be appointed as the safety officer or chair of the safety committee tasked with implementing and overseeing the safety program. This individual or committee is responsible for guiding laboratory leadership in providing a safe workplace for all employees.[77]

An integral part of the laboratory safety program is educating and motivating all employees on safety matters. New employees should be given a copy of the general laboratory safety manual during orientation. The laboratory's continuing education program should include periodic talks on safety.[78] 

Standard precautions require laboratory workers to use barrier protection, known as personal protective equipment (PPE), to prevent skin and mucous membrane contamination from specimens. This PPE includes gloves, gowns, laboratory coats, face shields, masks, and eye protection.[79]

OSHA regulations mandate that each laboratory develops, implements, adheres to, and maintains a plan to protect laboratory workers against potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens and the safe and effective management and handling of medical wastes produced by the laboratory.[80]

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

An interprofessional team is critical for the laboratory evaluation of infertility. Team members must possess comprehensive knowledge of these evaluations, including understanding the strengths and limitations of various available tests, interpreting test results, understanding the underlying reproductive physiology, and staying current with emerging diagnostic technologies. This collective expertise ensures quality standards and patient safety.

Physicians and advanced care practitioners lead the diagnostic process, make clinical decisions, and provide oversight. A multidisciplinary approach involving fertility specialists, urologists, internists, and primary care physicians is advised to deliver the best care. Optimizing comorbid chronic conditions preconception is always recommended. Providing couples with adequate information and appropriate expectations is crucial in helping them to make informed decisions.

Nurses support patient education, coordinate care, and assist in procedures. Hands-on skills in sample collection and handling are also essential for accuracy and reliability in laboratory testing. Pharmacists manage medication-related aspects, such as hormonal therapies, and laboratory technicians ensure accurate test execution and result reporting. Psychologists offer support throughout the journey as infertility impacts the physical, mental, emotional, and financial well-being of affected couples.

Developing a standardized approach for the laboratory evaluation of infertility ensures consistency and thoroughness in patient care. Such an approach includes adhering to clinical guidelines, implementing evidence-based protocols, and using decision-support tools to guide test selection and interpretation. Regular team meetings and case reviews help refine strategies and adapt to new advancements in the field.

A collaborative, patient-centered approach prioritizes the patient's needs, preferences, and values. Tailoring care plans to individual patients, providing thorough education about infertility and treatment options, and offering emotional support contribute to better patient engagement and satisfaction. By working together, the healthcare team can develop more effective, personalized treatment strategies that improve clinical outcomes.

Care coordination involves synchronizing all aspects of the patient's diagnostic and treatment journey. Specifically, it includes scheduling tests, ensuring timely follow-ups, managing referrals to specialists, and integrating services across different care settings. A coordinated approach helps prevent gaps in care, reduces duplication of efforts, and enhances overall patient experience.

Effective communication is key to successful interprofessional collaboration. Clear documentation and the use of shared electronic health records facilitate information exchange. Open lines of communication ensure that all team members are up-to-date on the patient's status, test results, and treatment plans, which is essential for cohesive care delivery. Proficiency in patient communication and counseling is crucial to effectively explaining complex concepts and options.

Optimizing team performance requires ongoing training, performance evaluations, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Encouraging interprofessional education and simulation exercises can enhance teamwork skills. Implementing safety protocols and continuous quality improvement initiatives helps maintain high standards of care in reproductive medicine and laboratory diagnostics.



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Level 3 (low-level) evidence


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