
Your content. Our platform. Published, in about 30 days.

Peer Review Process

New Content
Revised Content

All activities and adaptive learning content are reviewed at least once a year. In addition, users are allowed to post comments on all content. These comments are reviewed daily by managing editors, and if a revision is deemed warranted, the modification is made, and the content is re-submitted to editorial review.

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Minimum Requirement:

  • Medical Students in Training [1st Year Basic Science topics ONLY, no diseases or procedures]
  • Attendings, Residents, Fellows - PhD/MD/DO/PA/NP [PLEASE select ONLY diseases you treat, procedures you personally perform, or tests you perform].
  • Authors must be FLUENT in English.

Minimum Time Requirement:

Articles completed in 3 to 20 hours depending on the topic selected.


As an Author, you will write a review article summary of 1,000 words or more and create 5 to 10 second or third order questions with explanations.

Authors receive free access to the learning system as well as free unlimited CME/CE in your specialty area when you update your content annually. You will receive academic credit for your work as it will be published in eBooks, Apps, and in an online learning CME/CE system. Articles are published and indexed in PubMed in about 30 days.


Minimum Professional Requirement:

Completed residency/fellowship Training for Physicians and/or Completion of Training for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. You must be fluent in English writing.

Minimum Time Requirement:

Minimum of 2-3 hours


As a Review Article Editor, you will edit and help improve a review article of 1,000 words or more related to your topic; edit/improve/peer-review the questions already written on the topic, and possibly write a few new questions on the topic if needed. We encourage you to recruit an author to assist you. Just request that the author signs up for the topic you select.

Article Editors receive free access to the learning system for editing their topic(s) as well as free unlimited CME/CE in your specialty area when you update content annually. You will receive academic credit for your work as you will be a published as an Editor in eBooks, Apps, and in a CME/CE online learning system. You will appear as an article author in PubMed.


Minimum Professional Requirement:

Board Certification in the Specialty Area, Assistant Professor or Higher and/or Extensive Experience in your Field, Approval of Managing Editor-in-Chief of StatPearls, and Fluent in English.

Time Requirement:

About 3 to 10 hours per year As an Editor-in-Chief, you will categorize questions within your specialty, review articles assigned to your specialty area, suggest new keyword articles, and assist in recruiting authors and editors. You also may edit questions or articles assigned to your specialty and/or author new questions.


Editors-in-Chief helps in managing the publication of content developed within your specialty. You will receive access to the learning system and free continuing education credits in your specialty area. You will be published as Editor-in-Chief of a eBooks, Apps, and in a CME/CE online learning system in your specialty area for as long as you participate in the project.

In general, the minimum requirement to serve as Editor-in-Chief is board certification in the specialty area selected and assistant professor or higher and/or extensive experience in your field.

If you are interested in serving as an Editor-in-Chief for your specialty, you may either email after registering or a Managing Editor-in-Chief will call WITHIN 48 HOURS.